SICA KICK HAIYA!anyways, sorry for not updating for a long time.
didn't really remember to and stuffs heh!
so my life has changed loads!
exams over, school is supposedly over, but spammed with co, intensive supplementary lessons.
gonna just jyjyjy until nov 10 which is o lvl chinese! :D
i've gone to church last week, and it's really fun! :D
attended a lifegroup too where it was fun fun fun!
hehe, today had service too, and pastor jeff addressed the sermon.
it was pretty amusing, and going to church has really made me a better person!
i really love God, and i think that i have awesome lifegroup mates! :D
my tumblr is more active, so you can check it out on the left<--
i'm so tired these days! yay tmr can rewatch harry potter on channel 5.
i'm like this crazy harry potter fan of the film.
i rewatched prisoner of azkaban and was like exclaiming every second," OMGOSH SO COOL!!!"
haha, really nostalgic, remembered i used to watch it in primary school!
which reminds me i need to go for movies soon!
movies anyone?
anyway, i'm going to diy wing-ed shoes one day hehe!
also looking forward to my trip overseas! yay!!! :D
what we could have been, 7:07 AM.