finally blogging. :O
dad perhaps nagging at me to stop using computer when i haven't even used a teensy weensy bit yesterday== and today afternoon+ morning.
yesterday was zawesomely tiring!
Had P.E when yaole "fractured" her poor hand.
Then i kept jumping in mid air== which was kind of epic.
Anyway, had maths, not bad la. But i didn't do page 3 D:
Recess~ Melody's mum made onigiri御握り!
So cute!~ Her lunchboxes make me so tempted to wake up early and do bentos which i will not do. xD and it makes me feel like going to daiso! DARN!!!
Had chinese. Boring shit sia. I didn't care about lianxi9. I just continued reading Da Vinci Code since it's just plain awesomeness. I am like at page 408. ._. I think if i return to jingxuan on monday, she'll go like," YOU SO FAST READ FINISH? YOU DUNEED STUDY UH!?"
Then geog, blah blah blah and physics.
I am so going to die for physics!
All those complicated things! URGH!!!!!!!!
after school, went to have chicken rice with weixin, huixuan and jingxuan.
huixuan went to bathe but came back still sweaty. kind of pointless.
i kept toning my face until my witch hazel no more. boohoo.
then we helped this couple find some party shop, jingxuan said presumely for their grandchildren's party.
Then CO!
xiao zu first. Suddenly got this female teacher come sio.
Anyway after xiao zu we go rehearse at hall.
So tiring sia!
After da zu we went to makan.
Not very nice dinner :/
I still rmber got one time we had fried chicken~! But only got chicken meat and cabbage.
I was like teaching people how to tell which part of the chicken was tough and which was tender. hahaha.
oh! and i owe faustine $1 while huixuan owe $1.50.
Then performance. We behind the curtain for so freaking long!!!
Then when they hit the big percussion thing(for a moment i forgot what its called O_O), everyone like jumped.
Performance was awesome and great. No obvious mistakes and i didn't played wrongly for anything :D
After that we went up and jx/hx was like," Later then change."
Then they drag drag. In the end we go change and the meeting over lol.
then went see performance.
We missed all the guzheng etc and saw alumni singing.
then cherrine keep saying very disgusting haha!
then belinda was like shouting," GO MDM LAU! GO VEGETERIAN STALL AUNTIE!"
After that, the performance ended and we were like wdf.
Then go chiong down play lanterns.
Guess what? sec 1 supposed to take first==
So i went to buy ice pop and go art gallery and be extra, huanying-ing people.
Then huiwen ask me take pic but more and more people came in, in the end never take xD
Then went to parade square play lantern.
AIYOO! Huiming keep de-lighting mine :[
thanks debbie & lingen for helping me light up!
and debbie's sexy leg was scalded by wax in the process. So now, it's HOT AND SEXY 8D
after that i went with belinda and de-light people's de.
alot of funny things happen. me and belinda were zui-ing changjun but he run so fast so i like sian diao then stop running while he was stilling running.
A few seconds later, he was strolling and i wanted de-light him again then alphonsus RAN PAST AND DE-LIGHT. SO FREAKING FUNNY SIO!
then after that belinda also zui jickson. then president of student council go scold haha.
Then after a while i was like running towards jickson and shouting," NO I GOING TO MAKE MY FRIEND LA."
apparently, he was not convinced and ran off.
Then went up to class take stuff and went 7-11 buy drinks.
Then taxi-ed home with jingxuan~!
Today woke up at 9am+
I thought i would wake up at 10.30am :[
then rot at home and read davinci code.
only studied population rofl!
Sian. tmr early wake up go japanese lesson :[
then boonlay meet people. D8
what we could have been, 6:15 AM.
hello people! :D
here are some random pictures 8D from yesterdayyyy~
i was having ict and keep playing with melody's cat, melinda xD

supposedly copy jermaine/mine twist cover face pose but failed. xD

upside down!

joanne's xD. hope don't get offended lol.

supposedly dawn's previous :/

melinda 自爱.


WAO :O lol look like lion.

some effect, shld be squeeze or sth :O

bulge! i tried doing cadbury eyebrows. on the left you see belinda's short fingers.


Anyway, today stayed back for baking cake!But before that went central buy stuff and makan. Then i see this "cute" duck toy then i ask yx help me buy cause i paiseh then she say i wan her siasuay xD
then go buy ler she keep squeeze. then disiao people.xD

AIYOO! I go use coarse sugar then in the end i 5+ pm then cake done. But it's nice!
with the two cupcakes on top xD(my phone cam sucks hard)

It's really niceeee~! Enjoyed making and gave some away. SORRY JOANNE+ VIN NV GIVE URE WHEN I THOUGHT I GOT D:
Update on cospray!!!!
ahh! today skye and jill on zaobao la... aiyooo. quite stressed sio. :O
and i attempted to draw double eyelid using eyeliner and succeeded!
pic super dark then i go adjust brightness look like shit.

haiz, jus dunno what color to fill in... :(
what we could have been, 5:21 AM.